[Effective-cpp] effective stl - the story so far... and beyond

Jaspreet Singh Jasingh at quark.co.in
Tue Dec 16 06:37:25 EST 2003

Hi All

till now the journey has been quite pleasant. it has been always difficult
for me to finish a book - i usually don't go beyond the first 50/100 pages
:) but this list has made me do it - mainly due to the pace which is

although the course was broken, which is expected from a voluntary group,
i've gained a lot of confidence in the subject. what i've realized is that
one shouldn't aim at finishing the entire book in a week. start reading it
at a comfortable pace that you can maintain till the end.

the project schedule was only till item 22. what about the other ones? the
next chapters seem to be more interesting than the ones we've covered. i'm
looking fw to algorithms, functors and other fun stuff!!


They say a picture is worth a thousand words, yet the guy at the gallery
wouldn't trade me that painting for my newspaper.

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