[Exceptional C++ Style] Item 16 - (Mostly) Private

David Sykes d.sykes at pindar.com
Fri Dec 17 03:37:00 EST 2004

> > Which ways did you mean? The partial specialisation 
> perversion was covered
> > in the previous item, and I wouldn't have considered 
> 'leaking' a function
> a
> > perversion, rather a design choice. A function that has access to
> something
> > should be able to choose who they pass this on to, isn't this how
> interfaces
> > work?
> Yes. My mistake. It was early!
> Regards
> Paul

A clear case of premature positive feedback ;)

For me this item is about highlighting and explaining how a private member
can affect the use of a class in a surprising way. How an overload can be
ambiguous when it seems that there is only one public possibility. I have
seen this mentioned many times but it is only now that I have been 'forced'
to read about it and, worse still, really think about it that it has sunk in
and made sense.

This is an example of why I am so grateful to you for the considerable
effort you put in to get these groups running and keep them going. This is
the third book I have completed and carefully considered this way, and they
sit next to books I have bought over the years and barely read, and some I
haven't even opened.

Incidentally I have some time this Christmas, so can you stick me down for
one of the items please. 28 I guess if an earlier one isn't free. I will
endeavour to get close to the excellent standard of summaries so far

David Sykes
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