[Exceptional C++ Style] Fw: const data - was Item 17

Terje Slettebø terjesl at broadpark.no
Tue Dec 21 15:33:19 EST 2004

>From: "Balog Pal" <pasa at lib.hu>

> In general, we have multiple strong forces fighting each other.
> One is encapsulation -- thoroughly analysed in item text. That would force
> us to maximal hiding, minimise coupling and dependencies.
> The other forces are coming from XP experience -- to keep things the
> simplest

I don't think there need to be a conflict, here. By keeping things private,
unless they need to be public, we make the simplest (public) interface that
could possibly work. ;)

>, and solve the problems we have instead of going to premature
> generalisations or solving the problems possible for the next century.

Generalisation is rather orthogonal to encapsulation, I think.



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