[Effective-cpp] Item 1: Uses and Abuses of vector

White Wolf wolof at freemail.hu
Wed Oct 27 19:30:23 EDT 2004

effective-cpp-bounces at accu.org wrote:
> On Wednesday, October 27, 2004, at 03:07 AM, Mark Radford wrote:
>> On Sat, 23 Oct 2004, at 14:27:02, Balog Pal <pasa at lib.hu> writes
>>> I' a big fan of const but for this situation I recall Scott Meyers
>>> had reservations on using const_iterator in ESTL.
>> He just pointed out that, because of a design fault in the STL, you
>> sometimes can't use const_iterator when you ought to be able to. For
>> example, container::erase takes (non-const) iterators as arguments,
>> when it could take const_iterators because the container is being
>> modified, not its elements. 
> There are thoughts out there about fixing this in C++0x.  I'd like to
> see that happen. 

Look into the public papers of the Library WG and the Evolution WG.  See if
there is an open DR on it.  If there is none (I think there is) ask for one
to be created.  If there is one and there is no work made on it, volunteer
to make a solution.  I am sure Lois and Francis - I have nearly written
Clark - and the UK C++ panel will help you with it.  The point I am trying
to make is that although the standardization committee is dedicated to
serve, it just has as much manpower and time as it has.  So the best way to
ensure that something which bothers you get fixed, is to do what all the
other members do and volunteer your time and effort to propose a solution
and follow-up its progress etc.

Please do not misunderstand me, I am not trying to be mean or suggest that
you should not ask for anything unless you are willing to work.  No way.
All I am trying to say is that the best way of ensuring that something gets
done is to get involved in the process.  And even that comment is not
directed specifically at you, I just took the opportunity of your note to
bring the point up.

Attila aka WW

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