[Exceptional C++ Style] Item 18 - Virtuality

Jon Jagger jon at jaggersoft.com
Tue Jan 4 08:11:36 EST 2005

And as if by magic Kevlin sends an email explaining that he too has many 
doubts about the advice....

>C++ standard library already follows this guideline.
>The standard library has:
>6 public virtual functions, and 142 nonpublic virtual
>The author mentions one WinFX (the object-oriented
>successor to the Win32 API and the programming model
>for Longhorn) design guideline which recommends using
>‘Template Method’ pattern and discusses why this
>pattern is such a good idea.
Playing the devils advocate much of the design of the C++ library and 
Win32 API leaves one feeling, how shall I put it, somewhat "empty"

>Traditionally, programmers write base classes using
>public virtual functions which simultaneously specify
>both the interface and the customizable behaviour.
Surely it is a base class that contains any implementation that is 
"guilty" of specifying both the interface and some behaviour (whether it 
be customizable or not)?

>Every public virtual function is forced to serve two
>audiences, the outside callers of the class and
>derived classes.  
But if the base class contains only pure virtual functions it serves the 
purpose of representing the point where the outside and the inside 
touch. And it does not get weighed down with supposed commonality. What 
is wrong with having a clear separation of concerns and putting 
commonality into an ABC (containing some implementation) below the 
interface (containing only pure virtual functions).  Pushing 
implementation up into the base class is what causes the base class to 
start serving two masters.

>A different approach should be
>considered as a public virtual function inherently has
>two significantly different jobs, and two competing
>Herb presents Nonvirtual Interface (NVI) pattern which
>is a more restricted idiom with a form similar to that
>of Gang of Four’s Template Method pattern.
>//A modern base class, using Nonvirtual Interface
>//(NVI) to separate interface from internals.
>class Widget
>public :
> //Stable, nonvirtual interface.
> //
> intProcess( Gadget& ); // uses DoProcess()
> bool IsDone();         // uses DoIsDone()
> //
>private :
> virtual intDoProcessPhase1( Gadget& );
> virtual intDoProcessPhase2( Gadget& );
> virtual bool DoIsDone()
> //
This separates the interface from the internals. But, I'm afraid, IMHO 
it only does so superficially. As Kevlin keenly observed it seems to be 
overly conerned with "form". And it's more coupled than a truly abstract 
base class. It's an accident waiting to happen - an instantiable class 
which you're invited to derive from. It's just asking to be sliced. Is 
this is the actual code from Herb's book? I hope not.


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