[Exceptional C++ Style] Final 12 Iems

Paul Grenyer paul at paulgrenyer.co.uk
Thu Jan 20 06:56:36 EST 2005

Hi All

We're getting close to the end of our assigned items and after that there
will still be 12 to go. So, I need 12 volunteers for another item. If I
haven't had 12 volunteers by next weekend I'll simply start from the top of
the list and reassign items in the same order, unless anybody objects.

Pleas also feel free to specify which of the final 12 items you would like
to do. I'll dish them out on a first come first served basis.

Observers please also think about doing an item.



Paul Grenyer
email: paul at paulgrenyer.co.uk
web: http://www.paulgrenyer.co.uk
articles: http://www.paulgrenyer.dyndns.org/articles/

"15 miles to the love shack...."

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