[Exceptional C++ Style] Item 16 - (Mostly) Private

Ric Parkin ric.parkin at ntlworld.com
Fri Dec 24 09:57:07 EST 2004

On Fri, 24 Dec 2004 14:46:51 +0100, Balog Pal <pasa at lib.hu> wrote:

>>> Anti-patterns: Refactoring Software, Architecture and Projects in  
>>> isis  -
>>> William Brown, Raphael Malveau, Hays McCormick III, Thomas Mowbray.
>>> Another book on the to be started list.

>> Seriously thought there has been a lot of controversy on accu-general  
>> about how good this book is or isn't or whether anti-patterns actually  
>> exist.
> Huh?  I can assure anyone, I met almost all the antipatterns.  They do  
> exist very well. :-(  I can even pick a single project that suffers from  
> almost all the classified types.

It' wasn't so much that people said those situations described didn't  
exist, it was more whether the term "anti-pattern" actually meant anything  
beyond marketting speak. In particular, were they really just normal  
Patterns in disguise, and were they actually useful, or just a way of  
moaning about problems.

But that's getting well OT for here, and I'm not going to reignite that  
one again!

> Guess i should be nvious on those individuals who work in a healthy  
> environment so they can't even imagine there can be anything else.

There's *anyone* who's worked on a perfect project!?!!


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